***Due to COVID-19, the Ride along program has been suspended***
The Marysville Police Department invites citizens to participate in its Ride-Along Program. Qualified applicants can ride in a patrol car with a police officer to observe law enforcement practices and activities. The Ride-Along Program provides an excellent opportunity for citizens to see and experience police work from an “up close and personal” perspective. A criminal background check will be assessed prior to approval. For more information, contact the Marysville Police Department Records Unit at (530) 749-3900.
Ride-Along Program Requirements
You must:
Be at least 16 years of age to ride.
Complete a Ride-Along Application Form.
Complete a Waiver and Release of Claims Form.
Submit to a criminal history check/warrant check before you ride.
Keep confidential any names or information which, if made public, could be detrimental to public safety or which may jeopardize the community standing or reputation of any citizen.
Wear clothing that is neat, presentable and appropriate.
Not carry any type of weapon including firearms, pepper spray, mace, stun guns, etc.
Follow the instructions and directions of the police officer.
Ride-Along Program Guidelines
The Ride-Along Program is offered to residents, students, and to those employed within the City.
You may only ride once every six (6) months or with a supervisor's approval.
The standard ride-along time is four (4) hours in duration.
If the officer you are riding with is dispatched to a hazardous call, you may be required to leave the police vehicle and wait at a safe location until after the hazardous situation is over. This is for your safety.
Although we will do our best to ensure your safety during the ride-along, applicants must recognize that law enforcement activities are inherently dangerous and involve the possible risk of injury.
How Do You Participate?
Complete a Ride-Along Program Application and Waiver and Release Form.
Both documents are available at the front counter of the Marysville Police Department between 8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday or by downloading the Ride-Along Form here.
Be sure to indicate on the application what day and time you would like to ride.
Turn both completed forms into the Records Unit at the front counter of the Marysville Police Department.
A police watch commander will process your application and waiver form and will contact you by telephone to schedule a date and time that you may ride.