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Vehicle Towing & Storage

Vehicles are towed for a variety of reasons. Some are simply stored because the vehicle is disabled, abandoned or in qualifying violation. The following are the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding towed vehicles.



Why was my vehicle towed?


Some of the reasons your vehicle may have been towed:

  • Your vehicle was on the roadway with registration expired over six months

  • An unlicensed driver was driving the vehicle

  • The driver of the vehicle was arrested


Please contact Marysville Police dispatch at (530) 749-3900 to inquire about your vehicle. You will need to provide your vehicle's license plate number. Dispatchers will inform you of your next steps.

I didn't know his/her license was suspended


If it's your vehicle, it's your responsibility to know this. Under section 14604 CVC, the owner of a vehicle has a duty to ensure the person driving their vehicle possesses a valid license. If you allow or permit anyone, including your spouse, child, friend or relative to drive your vehicle and that person does not have a valid license, you will be responsible for towing and storage fees. 

She/he borrowed my car without asking


What you are describing is felony vehicle theft. If this is the case, the driver will be arrested and booked into the jail for this crime. However, it is more likely that you allowed the person to drive your car without first taking basic precautions. Did you allow this person to drive it previously? Did you ask to see his/her license? It is your vehicle. It is your responsibility to know who has access to it.

I think the officer was incorrect in towing my vehicle


This is the purpose of the Post-Storage Hearing. The registered owner may request a hearing. It is a review of the tow as provided for in the California Vehicle Code. This is an administrative review to determine whether the officer had reasonable cause to tow the vehicle. The registered owner can come to the police department any time to request a hearing.

How do I get my vehicle released


Stored vehicles are available for release at your convenience. If your vehicle was stored for registration purposes, this must be corrected first. The vehicle must have current registration or a moving permit issued by Department of Motor Vehicles, dated for the day of release. The registered owner and/or the last driver of the vehicle are the only people that may get a release for the vehicle. A valid driver license is also required. 

If a vehicle was stored for evidence, the owner may obtain a release once the department has completed its investigation. Call dispatch at (530) 749-3900 to inquire about a vehicle seized as evidence.

How much does the release cost and who pays?


The registered owner of the stored vehicle is responsible for all towing, storage, lien and release fees. You must pay the following in this order:

  1. Vehicle Release Fee: $250
    Payable in cash or money order to the City of Marysville


  2. Regular Tow Fee (one time): Contact Tow Company
    Payable to the tow company


  3. Storage Fees (per day): Contact Tow Company 

       Payable to the tow company

316 6th St • Marysville, CA 95901 • (530) 749-3900 Non-Emergency • Emergency 9-1-1

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