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Marysville Animal Care Services was re-established in July 2018. Marysville ACS is staffed with one Animal Care Services Officer. Marysville ACS provides services to the citizens in the 3.5 square miles of the City. The services include but are not limited to: 

  • Responding to animals locked in parked vehicles

  • TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) of feral cats

  • Responding to loose, injured or dead animals on public roads

  • Enforcing city ordinances and state laws regulating animal care and welfare

  • Animal abuse and neglect investigations

  • Reports of barking dogs - Click here for more information

  • Investigation of animal bites

  • Impounding loose and stray animals


Hours of Operation

Our Animal Care Services Officer is on duty Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm. To report an animal incident during business hours, contact the Marysville Police Department at (530) 749-3900.

**After hours services are limited**

After hours calls are handled by patrol officers on duty. These limited services are as follows:

  • Responding to severely injured animals

  • Reports of animal abuse in progress

  • Reports of barking dogs

  • Investigation of animal bites

  • Any threat to public safety

Dog Licensing
The City of Marysville's Municipal Code requires that all dogs over the age of 4 months obtain a license with the City of Marysville. Once a dog has received a rabies vaccine with a licensed veterinarian's office, an application needs to be completed with the City. Click here for an application. A copy of the rabies certificate provided by the veterinarian's office shall be provided at the time of licensing. Depending on the length of time the rabies vaccine covers, the City of Marysville offers a 1, 2 or 3 year license option. There is also a discounted option for any dogs that have been spayed or neutered. (Proof is required). Please see below for the fees:

     Altered (Spayed or Neutered)                                       Unaltered        

                1 year license: $10                                           1 year license: $24

                2 year license: $16                                           2 year license: $48

                3 year license: $24                                           3 year license: $72

                Replacement : $6                                             Replacement : $6

***Late fee of $20 is applied for non-payment 45 days after date of invoice***
How to Purchase or Renew Your Dog License
Online - 
Go to Marysville ACS and create an account. Follow the directions to purchase or renew your dog license.
In Person -
Marysville City Hall
526 C Street
Marysville, CA 95901
Licensing hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday. Closed on most holidays.

  • Please be sure to provide a copy of your pets current rabies vaccination

       certificate. Proof of rabies vaccination is required for licensing.


  • Provide certificate of spay or neuter (If applicable) to receive discounted

       license rates.

By Mail -

Complete the animal license application. Enclose proof of rabies vaccination and spay/neuter (if applicable). Mail all necessary items with a check, cash or money order for the amount listed above.

Mail documents to:

Marysville City Hall

526 C Street
Marysville, CA 95901
TNR - Trap, Neuter, Return Program
Marysville Animal Care Services and FieldHaven Feline Center have partnered together to bring "TNR the Town" to Marysville (or “Meowysville,” as we’ve affectionately nicknamed the project). There are hundreds of community cats that will be Trapped, Neutered, and Returned (TNR) to their feeding stations and colonies so they will no longer reproduce.

Cats are territorial and form a strong bond with the location they inhabit, and for feral cat colonies, this bond is even stronger. They are born there and have learned how to survive in that particular environment. Feral colonies will often run off other feral cats that do not belong to their colony. Therefore, relocation of a feral cat should only be considered in emergency situations (life or death) and requires proper “imprinting” for success.

Feral Cat vs. Stray Cat

A true feral cat is wild and has not been socialized by human contact. Since they require special handling and have unique needs, they generally are not candidates for adoption into a home.

A stray cat, on the other hand, is a socialized, domestic cat that has simply lost its home. Stray cats need to be adopted. Over the years, domestic cats have lost some of their feral instincts for survival and often perish in the wild. It’s important to get these cats off the streets and place them back into loving homes, where their human companions can provide them with the care they need and deserve.

Benefits of a TNR Program

Feral cats are humanely trapped, spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and returned to their original location to live out their natural lives with their feral colony. Stray cats and kittens that can be socialized are adopted into loving homes. Other benefits of TNR include:

  • Stabilization of the colony population by stopping litters of unwanted kittens from being born each year

  • Reduction of unwanted behaviors associated with mating such as yowling, fighting, spraying, and roaming

  • Vaccinating helps protect the human communities with which they co-exist

  • Resources previously spent on ineffective methods of removal can be spent on more effective services such as subsidized neuter services, adoption, and outreach programs

Fieldhaven Volunteers
Volunteers are a vital part of a successful TNR program. Volunteers are coordinated and volunteer for Fieldhaven, not the Police Department. Here are a few ways to volunteer:

Kitten Fosters: We have motherless bottle babies, moms with litters, and playful weaned kittens. They all need a foster home until they are old enough to go into FieldHaven’s adoption program.

Colony Feeders: There are dozens of locations around Marysville where community cats congregate to get their daily chow. Feeders put out that chow along with fresh water and do a head count of who shows up for dinner.

Trappers: We have hundreds of cats in Marysville that need to make a life-changing trip to the spay/neuter clinic. Our trappers work together to safely and humanely capture the kitties so they can make that trip then return to their colony as a healthy, vaccinated, and microchipped community cat.

Transporters: We call it “Mewber.” Kitties need it to go back and forth to the spay/neuter clinic or to see a veterinarian. Often, we need Mewber with very short notice. Other times are scheduled for clinic days.

Outreach: There are thousands of people and businesses in Marysville who need to know about Meowysville, TNR the Town. Whether you like to reach out to people by phone, in person or through media if you love people and cats we need you.

For more information,
visit Fieldhaven's website by clicking below:
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